Saturday, November 10, 2012

Top 7 Secrets to Get Your Body in Shape

Magic pill combination, or an organization that has been neglected all winter, an energy drink, but all the fat melt everyone is looking for. Some people in this wonderful body during a season ravaging my father that you can remember your old photo. I'm here for your body to burn fat, you need a burning high-energy, metabolism machine can provide a quick and effective manner.
Miranda Kerr - The Sexy Slim Model on the floor
This is a simple and quick way to follow the hot summer begins to melt.

1) Prior to Wake: When you have six hours of the morning, increasing energy and fat burning in your body, or at least get up. With high energy protein snack immediately start your day. Bacon or sausage, or a protein with a couple of good big eggs. The fruit, only pure protein and water, remember to add?

2) After breakfast : burn fat, high-energy aerobic activities such as walking with a start, running, cycling, zumba, or just plain hell disco dancing in his lair. Thirty minutes minimum high and constant movement that works properly. Another quick tip: Start drinking water bodybuilding time, you at least 8-10 glasses / bottles intake in a day.

3) Drinking water: As I said, the minimum amount required for 8-10 bottles of water a day. Water keeps busy and away the fat around your belly! This allows them to soft drinks and other beverages that contain sugar or sugar keeps you away.

4) Snacks : Take a small snack every two hours for a small snack every two hours helps your metabolism burning to stay warm. The foods that are good sugar, walnuts and celery small cup of fruit works wonders.

5) Take some weight: the real and the only way you burn belly fat and high energy, fat burning hard, nitric acid is injected to the machine, take some weight. Your body weight is a well-oiled machine to help addicted. Lightweights and heavyweights, both penalties, it is your choice. Weight, about your daily routine to add some resistance with all the walking, weight for weight either withdraw. When at home, shoulder and arm exercises, you or your head in only 25-50 grams up cans of corn are also pushing for the demons out of 100. Karlsa of small arms, squats and bench press with a light and medium weight. Bench for their children, even your dog or cat picture if you are a journalist.

6) Take a healthy diet: Lunch protein for fuel, it is. Chicken, turkey, fish and lean red meat are perfect for salad. A fruit nuts, or yogurt with sugar in a small cup for less restricted carb! Dinner for one moment, some fill light and lean protein to eat salad.

7) Adequate Sleep: Finally, the only other tip is to have a rest and sleep. Or you can just relax and 6-8 to capture the greatest need at least an hour of sleep. Tomorrow a high energy, fat burning machine is a new brand again. A regular at the end!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Vegetables That Fight Abdominal Fat

Check out Vegetables That Fight Abdominal Fat

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ways to Slim your waist

Every one desires to have a slim waist and so you are here. Here are some of the the tips by which you can make your waist slim. We need to consider that some of us just will never have a narrow waist because of our bone structure.

1. Spot exercises on the waist can surely tighten and tone the waist.
2. Follow out some online videos help and do it.
3. You should be having a optimal nutrition, for a better advice consult a doctor.

More to come on next article

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Slim waist holds sway in history

Slim waists have been the mark of attractive women throughout history, says a US scholar who has analysed thousands of ancient texts.

Dr Devendra Singh scoured references to fictional beauties from modern times back to early Indian literature.

He found that slimness was the most common term of praise from an author.

The study, published in a Royal Society journal, adds to evidence highlighting the role of the ratio between waist and hips in attracting a mate.

While female waist size is acknowledged as important in modern Western society and culture, it is not completely clear whether this has always been the case.

Some experts have suggested that at other points in history, men may have preferred larger waists.

The only remaining evidence is cultural, and Dr Singh, from the University of Texas, has spent years examining representations of women through history - in one study, he measured the waist-hip ratio of hundreds of statues from different eras.

Erotic poetry

In the most recent research, he looked at how 'attractive' women were depicted in literature, analysing more than 345,000 texts, mainly from the 16th to 18th centuries.

While most of the writings were British and American, there was a small selection of Indian and Chinese romantic and erotic poetry dating from the 1st to the 6th century of the Christian era.

The finding that the writers describe a small waist as beautiful suggests instead that this body part - a known marker of health and fertility - is a core feature of feminine beauty that transcends ethnic differences and cultures
Dr Devendra Singh
University of Texas

While the most-often mentioned feature was the breasts, waistlines were mentioned 66 times, with a slim waist predominantly linked to attractiveness.

There was trend for slightly larger women in the 17th and 18th centuries - a trend typified by the paintings of Rubens - but demand for a slimmer waist was generally constant throughout the centuries.

Dr Singh said: "The common historical assumption in the social sciences has been that the standards of beauty are arbitrary, solely culturally determined and in the eye of the beholder.

"The finding that the writers describe a small waist as beautiful suggests instead that this body part - a known marker of health and fertility - is a core feature of feminine beauty that transcends ethnic differences and cultures."

Fertility test

Other studies have found a link between a woman's waist to hip ratio and her fertility, offering some explanation as to why, alongside breasts, waist size is viewed as important by men selecting a mate.

Levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen around puberty are thought to be important in setting a woman's body shape into adulthood.

Dr Piers Cornelissen, a psychologist at York University, has carried out his own experiments designed to test the theory.

He says that the sexual attractiveness of the curve between slim waist and hips may be due to a liking for well-fed women rather than a subtle sign of fertility.

His work uses mathematical equations to separate the amount of the 'curve' between waist and hip which is due to simple fat deposition, and that due to other factors such as bone structure and the effects of sex hormones.

He said: "When we break apart that 'curviness', it is almost impossible to find an effect for waist-hip ratio that is independent of effects such as body fat percentage."


This will help you

Single leg squat
Start by balancing on your right foot, leg straight but not locked. To help balance, bend your left leg slightly and shift your left thigh back so that it is slightly behind your hip.Hold bent elbows by your sides, hands at waist level. Push hips back as you slowly bend right knee and lower body until knee is at about a 90-degree angle. Reach both arms straight in front of your hips. Hold, then squeeze right buttocks to straighten up. Pull elbows back as you stand, squeezing shoulder blades together. Repeat, then switch sides.

V squeeze
Lie on your back and extend your legs straight up, feet above your hips. Open your legs in a straddle position. Place your hands inside your inner thighs. As you exhale, push your hands out against your thighs while you try to squeeze your legs together. Close your legs, then open in a V shape again and repeat, each time adding resistance to the movement by pushing your hands against your legs.

Single leg deadlift

Stand on left leg and press right toe to floor. Rest hands on back. Squeeze buttocks and with a straight back, lean forward to about a 45-degree angle. Pull belly button in to support back. Pushing right toe into floor for resistance, squeeze buttocks to return to upright position . Repeat, then switch sides.